Pictures tell a powerful story. Have a look at the “then and now” photos of our first two students, Rebecca and Nancy. What do you see? In their expressions and carriage, we see confidence and hope as they complete their first year at St. Katherine’s School in Lira, Uganda.
When we first met Rebecca in January, 2016, she was doing exactly what countless girls across Africa and the developing world do every day. She was at a well drawing water, which she would then carry a great distance back to her family, subsistence farmers in a remote, rural village in the Otuke District. Rebecca lives with her grandfather and an uncle, since her mother had her as a teen and then left her behind as she entered a new marriage, which would bring seven more children.
Rebecca was a star performer on the PLE (Primary Leaving Exam, taken after the 7th and final year of primary school) for her district. 1,628 girls sat for the exam in December, 2015, and Rebecca scored in the top 18 (1.1%). She dreams of being an engineer. Look at Rebecca now, beaming with pride in her informal school uniform.
Remember, each additional year a girl spends in secondary school boosts (to the tune of 20% or more) her future income earning potential. So, already, Rebecca and Nancy’s future has been impacted.
Thank you for getting to know our first two scholarship recipients. Please consider supporting our GoFundMe campaign so that we can add more students to the program in 2017.
UPDATE: What a Difference 6 Years Makes!
Again, the photo tells the story! Rebecca and Nancy, the first two students in our program, are now studying to be nurses. They are both eager to serve their community with the practical knowledge they will gain. They have been sponsored by First Presbyterian Society of Pittsford, NY for their entire educational journey.